Wednesday, 30 December 2015

A simple New Year insight Tarot spread

The below spread is one of many that I have made up for insight and advice as the New Year enters. This is really a quick and simple one if you have not got the time to do a more in depth one. Of course you can always draw more cards if you need clarification at any point. 
I am going to try and put together all the ones I have created over the years and post them here. No mean feat, as some of them go back many years.  And, since organization does not become me, I have to find them from various journals scattered all over. 
But one has to start from somewhere so here it is:

You can add an outcome card too if you wish, or an advice card. The known and unknown can also be "Light" and "Shadow", so do feel free to adapt it as you wish.
Also of course you could always change the captions depending on your needs, for example:

"What I need to leave behind"
"What I need to let in"
"What is beneficial for me"
"What is a negative influence"
"Possible Outcome"

The possibilities are endless...

Monday, 19 October 2015

The Fool and the Treadmill

The Fool stopped running. "Oh my God!" he thought, the bridge has collapsed! But wait. What is it that I can see under that tree? A treadmill? What would a treadmill be doing under a tree?
The Fool walked over to the treadmill and realized that it was not just an ordinary one. Nope. It was quivering. Wait. It was moving, sideways. And then it lifted off! The Fool did not think twice, a magic treadmill! And it could fly, like a magic carpet!
The Fool jumped on it quickly and the magic treadmill flew him to the other side of the ravine, landing him safely.

The Fool in Tarot can be incredibly careless and risk taking, but the point in the above is that, if we do not take risks sometimes, we may never reach "the other side". We may never see what is ahead and we may never enjoy something new or different. As improbable as it is to find a flying treadmill under a tree, life is also always reminding us that opportunities are always around the corner. And they won't come back twice.
Like in this wonderful rendition from Ciro Marchetti The Fool can  balance on more than one thing at once. And if he falls, well, there is always next time. The Magician is just around the corner and has plenty of tricks up his sleeve.

When you draw The Fool in a reading perhaps the advice is to let go of your own fears and inhibitions. Take a risk, do something that you would not normally do, carpe diem.

'A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.'
William Shakespeare