Sunday, 24 April 2016

The Court cards on their first date (and what their first sentence would be...)

So, this is of course just my take on that ;), but let's have some fun with it...
You are on a first date with someone. What would their first say be upon meeting you based on their Court card persona?

Page of Cups: "I've been so hurt...I need a friend..."
Page of Swords: (sorry cannot follow the torrential flow of words, so no idea what he/she would say)
Page of Pentacles: "Hi! I work in IT!"
Page of Wands: "How do you like it?"

Knight of Cups: "Here's some flowers..." (about 3 different types of bouquets)
Knight of Swords: "Here's a list of questions I have..."
Knight of Pentacles: "Are you ambitious?"
Knight of Wands: "Let's get a room?"

Queen of Cups: "I'm a water sign you know?...*wink*"
Queen of Swords: "Now, this is how I would like it to be..."
Queen of Pentacles: "I'm hardworking, I have 4 children. Have you got any?"
Queen of Wands: "Would you like to know what I'm wearing underneath?"

King of Cups: "I'll take good care of you..."
King of Swords: " I, I, I, I, I, I am everything, what's your name again?"
King of Pentacles: "I just bought a house, do you want to settle down?"
King of Wands: "How about a trip abroad, something kinky perhaps?"

Feel free to add to this, I have these conversations going on in my head, may be sometime I'll get them to meet properly and have a proper conversation. HA!

Thursday, 14 April 2016

A dream, painful needles and the 9 of Swords

I had quite a convoluted and unsettling dream last night. It sounds upsetting but, if you consider that the previous night I dreamed about being tortured and flogged until flesh was coming off my bones, this was a walk in the park I guess :P. So here goes:

"My mum took me to the doctor and it turned out that I needed to go and see a surgeon because there was something wrong with one of my eyes.The surgeon was nice and tells me that I need an operation in order to have full sight again. So my mum then takes me to hospital. But then we leave and go for a walk and my nan (she passed a long time ago) steps up to me to take me back in. I am not happy about the operation because it involves inserting long needles into my right eye and all the way into my brain. Mum takes me to the operating table. Then she texted my dad to let him know. I ask the surgeon for anaesthetic and he says that he cannot give me any as I need to be awake for the procedure. I get strapped onto the operating table. He takes out these loooooong needles and then proceeds to insert them, one by one, into my eye. I felt no pain just some discomfort as I felt like something was poking inside my brain. Afterwards as I get up I can see again." 

My first thought upon waking is that the dream is subconsciously telling me that there is something I am not seeing, and it is close to me. I half expected to draw the 4 of Cups as a daily card. But no, I drew the 9 of Swords. This is about worry, repeated thoughts and of course can also be be about being so focused on something that we lose sight of everything else. My sight is restored so this is temporary. I have to say I am over tired so perhaps this was a factor in it too. A friend suggested this is about perspective, what we see (or do not see) with our own eyes is not necessarily how it is.

So I did a reading on it as in:

  • What do I need to know about this dream?
  • What is the message it tries to convey?
  • What action do I need to take? 

 1) The Lovers 

It is telling me that this is about choice, I can choose to see or not to see. I am not blind, I just need help. A little twist of the needle and the sight is restored. I have a feeling that this is literally telling me to love myself and understand beauty around me.

2) Justice
A Karmic card, this of course is a subconscious message about balance. Right and Left, Above and Below, the message is to restore this balance to the right level. Perhaps also to try and analyze the symbols in a logic manner.

3) Ace of Swords
Well what more of an action could be a card that is itself the start of an action? This is clarity, again I am seeing the suggestion to analyze the dream from a logic point of view. Not an emotional one. Thinking of it the needle itself could be the Ace of Swords, injecting clarity in what was once confusion.

I also feel this was bringing up issues from the past, with all my family present. But, to be honest, I'll probably get some more insights as the days go by :). 
(deck used: Morgan Greer)

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

When Tarot goes on strike...

Yeah, you know, Tarot has not got a Union as such but it does go on strike. Have you ever experienced this? It is like losing a trusted friend, someone you turn to every day for advice and that all of a sudden says: nope, no more I ain't talking to you and if I do I won't make any sense.
Oh wait, may be I'll actually frustrate you even more and tell you, repeatedly, what you already know.
I have had a few questions/messages about this in the last few days and it seems that there is a common denominator here. The cards seem to do this when you are either really worried about something or you are asking repeated questions, or not asking the right question.
It's like they are turning around and revolting.
So why is this? Well, here's my take on it:

  1. You are obsessing over something;
  2. You are not getting the answer you want, therefore rinse and repeat;
  3. You are asking the wrong question;
  4. Your wish or question is not for your highest good;
  5. You need a break and a clearer head.
In 30 years of experience I know when I need to simply throw my hands up in the air, put the deck down (or throw it in the air too), go get a glass of wine or go for a walk. Tarot is an honest friend that can sometimes be blunt. The cards won't tell you simply what you want to know, no matter how many times your try. Most of the times you already know the answer anyway but simply won't acknowledge it. You will get an honest answer, and if you ask again you will be probably told to get lost and take a break.
I would say that, no matter what the challenge is, use the Tarot for what it is. A great tool for guidance and advice when in need of clarity. Nothing is set in stone and things can always be changed, actions cause re-actions and consequences too. Remember that you have free will. Because if you set limitations for yourself based on what the cards tell you, you are simply doing that - limiting yourself -, and why do that when everything is possible?

(deck: Gloria Jean's Infinite Visions)