Sunday, 25 September 2016

Priestess Tarot - A helpful Tarot spread

I met Louise many years ago (gosh) through TABI (Tarot Association of the British Isles). Over the years and thanks to that wonderful thing that is social media, I got to know her even better and see what a caring, wonderful person she is and also a very accurate and compassionate Tarot reader (yes I can confirm this as she has read for me too!). We finally met in person a couple of years ago for the UK Tarot conference and planning another one this year, yay!
Below is her contribution to this blog for me, I have enclosed the link to her website at the end of this blog post should you wish to know more. I am very grateful for her contribution, love ya Louise ;). Enjoy!

When It Hurts : What To Do About It.
Love & life can hurt when it heads south in spectacular fashion. Even if it were done quietly, it’ll hurt.  Situations ending or people leaving our lives often lead us to wonder what the heck happened. We often turn to friends & family to lend us some insight, someone to talk to, verify our thoughts with.
Often, Tarot Readers are approached and often we’re asked: Will X come back? Often, the answer back from the Tarot isn’t the one that people want to hear.
Asking the Tarot such a closed question often isn’t great. The Tarot for me is the tool used to explore feelings, emotions and personal thoughts. 
I asked the Tarot: I’m hurting. What can I do about it?

 Note how the question is phrased: I state what / who I am, then ask what can *I* do about it.  Not what can YOU do about ME feeling bad, but what can *I* do about it. The power is mine to wield, I just need some direction as what are woods & what are the trees, so I can find my path & myself again.
So, the spread I created for this was simple:

1/ Where am I now? 5 of Cups
2/ What negative aspect do I need to explore & heal? Major 4 - Emperor
3/ What positive aspect can I take forwards? Knight of Swords

Where Am I Now? 5 of Cups:  Well, the cards say you’ve had enough emotional nonsense, bereavement & emotional turmoil to do you for quite some time. There’s still hope, you’ve not exhausted all the options before you, but you’ve probably exhausted all the ones that appealed to you.
What negative aspects do I need to explore & heal? The Emperor. One of the strongest cardinal cards in the deck comes out to say: You need to reset your boundaries & work on your control factors. Either you or the significant other got too controlling or took the other for granted. As you can tell, it wasn’t wise but hindsight is 20/20. This is something within you that you need to address. Your Emperor came out and he wasn’t very nice. It’s time to round off his sharp edges a little. Well, okay, a lot!
What positive aspect can I take forwards? Knight of Swords.  The positive thing you can take forwards here is that you can give yourself a good talking to, sort your head out & get on with it. You won’t wallow in the 5 of Cups situation for too long & your Emperor will shrink back with this Knight giving him a piece of his mind. That will work only because the Emperor knows (in this case) that the Knight is right. If you were to swap these two around, you’d have a slightly different interpretation.
Conclusion: The three of these basically suggest that that you build a bridge away from the hurt by addressing the over-controlling aspect that was on display. It’s time to redress the communication balance whilst keeping the Emperor on a short leash.  In a relationship, there has to be two people & the Knight must ensure that both get chance to be heard & listened to.


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